Carbunkle movie club

Posted in Uncategorized on July 21, 2018 by carbunkle420

Welcome to the Carbunkle movie club! Today’s feature is HyperNormalisation a 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis. In the film, Curtis argues that since the 1970s, governments, financiers, and technological utopians have given up on the complex “real world” and built a simple “fake world” that is run by corporations and kept stable by politicians. The film was released on 16 October 2016 on the BBC iPlayer.

What’s the answer to the problem of global politicians playing a game with the truth? This movie is super spooky and rings mostly true with me. The film offers an interesting take on the the current bizarro political situation by tracing the manipulation of people by those in power back to the days of Bashar Al-Assad’s daddy. There were days when I thought the internet would allow common people all over the world to communicate directly with each other and take control of the systems of power by peaceful means. After watching HyperNormalisation, I see how a monkey wrench has been thrown into that idea by politicians, bankers, etc… We are manipulated to disagree and argue with each other to the point of hatred. It doesn’t matter what we argue about, as long as we disagree and fight with each other. The distraction allows the powerful to maintain the system that keeps them in power.

Citizen dialogue is important to democracy. Compromise is at the core of that dialogue. It’s great to have strong beliefs but when you get angry with someone whose beliefs are different you miss a chance to learn something. Lots of times, people are split by beliefs, cutting off friends or family because of one particular issue. It’s difficult to engage with someone who has beliefs that are offensive to you but there’s always more to a person than one particular belief. Rufus knows whats up.

Carbunkle subscribes to the idea that punk rock will save the world. We are working on some ideas to spread a message of community organization at our local level and promote citizen engagement in the political system. We are not here to push political ideology on anyone, there’s too much in this world to make fun of for that, we only hope to find ways for people to get involved at a local level and work with their neighbors to improve the community.

Fortunately, the distribution of zines is yet to be compromised by the elite/illuminati/banking cabal/freemasons/reptilian/political class.



PKL*BKT reboot rehearsal confirmed!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 14, 2018 by carbunkle420

BREAKING NEWS: Carbunkle blog can now confirm reports that the legendary punk rock band PKL*BKT (\ ˈpi-kəl \ *  \ ˈbə-kət \) convened for the first full practice session of the bands much anticipated reboot. Our reporter was on scene for the jam sesh and was able to obtain this short interview with the famously reticent band members.


Carbunkle Blog:


It’s so exciting to see the band getting back together! Tell me, what brought on the reunion?


Mr Flannery (guitar):




everyone laughs




Ok… How does it feel for you guys to be back together playing music again?


ChimChim (bass):


It’s fucking great, you know, it’s a beautiful thing, for old friends to come together and jam on some ramones tunes, it’s a ton of fun and we think punk rock will save the world.


J-Kro (guitar):


Wait… I don’t know any ramones songs… you guys…  where’s my phone…




I see.. and what would you say the musical direction of the new album will be?








LOL…Yes absolutely but we’re also working on a reggae country fusion sound that is gonna blow minds. But PKL*BKT is always rooted in punk rock/garage rock…




Wait…what did you say…




This album is gonna kick people in the face.  Literally.




Fantastic! So, when can we expect the album to drop?


*sound of bong bubbling



Well folks, there you have it. Our EXCLUSIVE interview with the members of PKL*BKT. Our reporter described the scene at the jam session as “a state of unconscious musical fusion the likes of which only existed in ancient tribal rituals. The musical telepathy among the band members was evident and an unseen electricity crackled between them”


Stay tuned for more updates as our intrepid reporters doggedly pursue this developing story.








Posted in Uncategorized on July 4, 2018 by carbunkle420


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Today u turn 241 and u don’t look a day over 200. A word of advice, stop trying to act like the old days of your youth. You used to do a lot of stupid shit, America. It’s best if you age gracefully. Learn from your past mistakes and try not to repeat them!!! It’s like someone in their 60’s trying to dress like they did when they were 20, u know that shit doesn’t work!!!

Anyway, I got you something… it’s a gift. It’s not much but it means a lot to me. It’s the taxes I’ve been paying for lo these 30 years I’ve been working. Sure, spend it on whatever you want. Don’t spend it all in one place! (The Military). Actually, I’ve got some suggestions for what you can do with it that might help u last another 241 years. First, how about a major federal investment in education? Right now, education is about 3% of the federal budget.

More info


Three measly motherfunkin percent. Most of the money for our schools comes from state and local tax money. A big federal investment, properly implemented, could make a HUGE difference for our kids and maybe they won’t want to let us all die off when they are tasked with caring for us in old age. Does anybody else think this country could use a huge injection of intelligence? Kids should learn a foreign language before 1st grade and be learning coding in elementary school. Kids are still taught in the one room schoolhouse model of sitting and being lectured to. If you’ve ever met a kid raised in the modern age, you know they don’t learn this way! Kids need to move and experiment and laugh and PLAY to learn effectively. They don’t suffer boredom nowadays like we used to. It’s not fair to expect them to sit and sponge up info to be regurgitated come test time. A good first step would be to end standardized testing and put that money into STEM education. Oh and don’t get me started about arts programs, I’ll just say personally I would have never made it through school without art classes to keep me semi-engaged.

Also, if u take those tax dollars and create a medicare for all system we can make sure everyone has health care and can actually SAVE money in the long run. The reality is that the scientific advances that have brought the amazing things modern medicine can do belong to ALL of us! The doctor who treats u didn’t create the drugs or procedures that will save your life. She learned how to do that from other humans who learned it from other humans! This knowledge is ours! Sure, doctors should make a living, but the outlandish fees we pay for surgery and medicine are ridiculous. We are all standing on the shoulders of our ancestors and we need to create a world where human knowledge benefits ALL humans. No one can convince me that anyone should have to suffer because they can’t afford treatment.

Anyway, I hope u have a great birthday today. Blow stuff up. Drink beer and eat hot dogs. There’s better days ahead for all of us if we want it.



-Carbunkle Ed-in-chief






Party on

Posted in Uncategorized on June 23, 2018 by carbunkle420

Well, well, well…  It’s been a minute but the Carbunkle blog is springing back to life. Lots of fun projects in the works.

Have u heard about the PKL*BKT reunion? This posting was recently spotted on craigslist. Or the rumored lost issue of the Carbunkle zine: “Alien vs. Vampire”? The art monkey assures me these and other projects are happening soon. As editor-in-chief, what the fuck do I know? Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Canada is legalizing weed!!!


Surely USA will follow suit soon…

Weed has become such a science now. I stumbled on this blog post today while prepping to do some baking 😉 which led me to this post. So much science! Like, they did experiments and have charts and shit! I’m more confused now than when I started.

Cheers and salutations friends.

Where u been, man?

Posted in Uncategorized on February 12, 2017 by carbunkle420

Gawd, we suck at keeping up with this blog…



Here, have some random stuff:





We ARE working on a new zine… Should be done sometime in the future. Weird times are upon us, stay tuned…

“The Viper” by @mrflannery420 as featured in Carbunkle Issue #2 THE DEUCE.

Posted in Uncategorized on June 27, 2016 by carbunkle420

The story “The Viper” was originally featured on Mr Flannery’s Blog.  Here is how it appeared in Carbunkle Issue #2


The Viper

Time Traveler Proof featured in Carbunkle Issue #2 “The Deuce”

Posted in carbunkle, ron paul 2008, zine, zine update with tags , , , , on June 25, 2016 by carbunkle420

The following screencaps were printed in our latest issue. Unfortunately, the text was mostly illegible when xeroxed.  We apologize for this lack of quality control on our part. If you received a copy of The Deuce that was unreadable and you want a full refund of the cover price of zero dollars and zero cents, please call us from your nearest payphone. Dial 1-900-mixalot and kick those nasty thoughts.

In an effort to remedy the oversight by the printing gnomes we employ and demand the highest quality of, we present to you the screenshots featured in issue #2. They are presented completely unedited and unredacted.  We believe that this was an actual time traveler appearing and interacting with modern humans through an internet imageboard. The TT’r implies that time travel is actually an interdimensional shift into an “alternate reality”and there are no worries of changing the past/future because of this. If legitimate, this could be the definitive proof that time travel exists and we are being visited constantly.

Or, just some dummy on the internet trolling neckbeards on 420chan…


Dropping “The Deuce”

Posted in carbunkle, Sketchbook, Uncategorized, zine, zine update with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 22, 2016 by carbunkle420

Here’s the cover of Issue #2 “theDeuce”

Reports of Deuce droppings in the Charleroi, Greensburg and Indiana areas of Pennsylvania. If you would like one, contact us and we will drop one in the mail for you. Limited edition “goldenrod” color covers available. In a survival situation, Carbunkle zine can be used as toilet paper or possibly a firestarter.



Doubleplusungood #2

Posted in carbunkle, zine, zine update with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 15, 2016 by carbunkle420

Well, hot damn. We finally put together a new issue that we been trying to do for awhile.  The original deadline was 2 weeks before Halloween 2015. Fucking slackers. We are releasing the zine through the usual channels, i.e. begging friends to take more than one copy.  Without further ado, here is doubleplusungood #2 from Carbunkle Issue #2 “The Deuce” featured here in blazing color unavailable in the print version.  We’re way too cheap to do color copies. #keepingitrealSofasize2

Douchebags Always Ruin A Good Night

Posted in Uncategorized on March 3, 2016 by carbunkle420

Not real sure of the date on this misadventure, but I am assuming it was sometime in the summer of 2004. This time it has myself and Chimchimtim and his neighbor Bryan. This dude was such a tool. H…

Source: Douchebags Always Ruin A Good Night